7th Grade

Seventh Grade Social Studies
World History and Geography:
The Middle Ages to the Exploration of the Americas

Seventh grade students will explore the cultural, economic, geographical, historical, and political changes of Western Civilization in Europe as well as the geographic regions of East Asia, West Africa, and Southwest Asia and Northern Africa. Students will compare and contrast the history and geography of civilizations that were developing concurrently throughout Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Asia during the 15th to the 18th centuries. Students will examine the growth in economic interactions among civilizations as well as the exchange of ideas, beliefs, technologies, and commodities. Students will describe the indigenous populations of the Americas and the long-term impact of European exploration in the New World. Finally, students will analyze the influence of geography on the development of civilizations as they continue their study of world history and geography. 

This course will also teach students about the historical context of ancient and major world religions and will follow a common template for major world religions so as to not promote any religion. Major world religions are introduced in either 6th or 7th grade. This course is a continuation of the 6th grade survey of world history and geography and is designed to help students think like historians, focusing on historical concepts in order to build a foundational understanding of the world. Appropriate primary sources have been embedded in the standards in order to deepen the understanding of world history and geography. Special emphasis will be placed on the development of government, including the beginning of democratic practices.

Click one of the names below to contact your child's teacher 7th Grade Social Studies Teachers:

Navy Team:   Donna Usher
Gold Team:    Karen Settles 

To access our class course, please go to HCDE Classlink (https://launchpad.classlink.com/hcde) and log in using your student google login information. (Press the “sign in with google button” below the log in box.) 

Once you are logged in, you can access all the apps that students use for classes. Please find the Canvas app, and click that to access your classes. 

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